District of Columbia Handyman Services,

District Of Columbia Handyman

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Handyman Articles

Is your house ready for summer? Here's a first aid kit for spring fixes

Spring ushers in a slew of home repairs that are needed to get ready for summer activities. Whether it's a broken bird bath, a loose stone on a walkway, or a broken patio chair, there are some things you need to take care of before the warm weather arrives. More...

It's not over yet: Tips for getting through the rest of hurricane season

Hurricane season is well under way, and experts agree that the 35 million-plus Americans living in areas at risk of hurricane damage should keep their guard up - at least until the season ends at the end of November. More...

When it comes to home improvement, small projects pay off

Your home is your largest investment and no matter what the economic conditions, you don't want to cut corners on handyman service projects around the house. More...